30 Day Challenge Master 1 Habit

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When you register today, you’ll gain INSTANT access to the following:

Day 1 – Decision Window

Why Changes Start with a Decision and How This Decision is Guaranteed to Keep You Going!

Day 2 – Habit Triggers & Cues

How to take an Inventory of Your Life/Triggers and the Cues that drive your behaviours

Day 3 – Cravings & Desires

The Science of Routines, How yours are letting you down, and how to build one that always works!

Day 3 – Cravings & Desires

The Science of Routines, How yours are letting you down, and how to build one that always works!

Day 3 – Cravings & Desires

The Science of Routines, How yours are letting you down, and how to build one that always works!

Day 5 – Rewards & Confidence

The Secret Ways you’re rewarded for existing habits and how to build Powerful, Mindful Rewards

There is no better time than right now to Re-Build your Life from past bad habits, to current Covid realities… Now is the time to Re-Create a new You for the rest of your life and everyone you care about.

This global pandemic has paused life as we knew it. So many of us are living in fear. Many of us are grieving loved ones and our former way of life. And we are dealing with all of it while trying to navigate multiple roles and demands, cut off from our communities and supports that would otherwise be there for us.

LIFE was hard enough before, let alone having any kind of STYLE. For most of us LifeStyle was whatever got us through the day. And, in the face of a global pandemic, the challenges seem even greater.

Now more than ever we need to develop the tools and practice of thinking, feeling and doing. This is why we made sure we invited the world’s best experts in the areas of Life-Changing methods such as: mental health, neuroscience, holistic health, and mindfulness to share their most effective, science-based tools and strategies to help make the change your dreaming of.

Register for The LifeStyle Cleanse by Master Cleansing featuring the ReHabit Method, a comprehensive Life-Changing System.


from our Life-Changing Experts

  • Waking Up: How to Shift Your Reality so Change Takes Root Effortlessly and Realize You’re Ready for Change
  • Slowing Down: How to Find a Slower Pace While Becoming More Productive and Train Your Mind for Calm
  • Feeling Better: How to Get to Know Your Feelings so that you Can Consciously Move from One Emotion to Another
  • Having Fun: How to Put Fun First to Re-Discover your Inner-Childeshness to Make Each Day Full of Laughter
  • Tuning In: Learn How to “Know Thyself” So that You can Trust Your Intuition and Stop Being Driven by Fear
  • Moving Around: How to Make Movement a Regular and Full Range Activity so that Exercise never is a “Work-Out.
  • Nourishing Bodies: How FAST and SLOW Methods Give Every-Body the Food and Nutrients they Need to Thrive


Dr. Shefali Tsabury

Conscious Parenting in the Age of Global Awakening

  • What it means to be a conscious parent in the context of the global pandemic
  • How meditation can help us find calm in the midst of chaos,
  • Conscious approach to addressing racism

Lisa Nichols

Parenting With Purpose During Uncertain Times
  • Provide your child certainty in uncertain times
  • Creating a safe space for children to share how they REALLY feel
  • How to turn confrontation into care-frontation

Marlee Liss

Restorative Justice – The Healing Alternative to the Criminal Justice System
  • Marlee’s story of Restorative Justice for sexual violence
  • How Restorative Justice allowed her to transform her experience instead of being revictimized
  • Healing by humanizin



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In this video, learn:

  • Point 1 Coming Soon
  • Point 2 Coming Soon
  • Point 3 Coming Soon

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By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Mindful World Parenting Summit, the host and Health Talks Online. I can withdraw consent at any time. Your Privacy Rights.

Meet your Hosts

Dr. Shefali Tsabury

Conscious Parenting in the Age of Global Awakening

  • What it means to be a conscious parent in the context of the global pandemic
  • How meditation can help us find calm in the midst of chaos,
  • Conscious approach to addressing racism

Lisa Nichols

Parenting With Purpose During Uncertain Times
  • Provide your child certainty in uncertain times
  • Creating a safe space for children to share how they REALLY feel
  • How to turn confrontation into care-frontation

Marlee Liss

Restorative Justice – The Healing Alternative to the Criminal Justice System
  • Marlee’s story of Restorative Justice for sexual violence
  • How Restorative Justice allowed her to transform her experience instead of being revictimized
  • Healing by humanizin

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Produced by Master Cleansing Media © 2024 Rehabit.us. All rights reserved. The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

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10X Your Meditation Practice

RHB - Survey - Waitlist

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes

Have you taken this survey before?

Estimated time to complete: 9:40 minutes

1Do you Meditate?

Estimated time to complete: 9:20 minutes

2Would you like to Meditate more often?

Estimated time to complete: 9:00 minutes

3Do you use Affirmations?
BHow much do you agree with the following: Affirmations work or me?

1 = Fully Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Fully Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 8:40 minutes

4Which of the following is more important when making life changing decisions?

Estimated time to complete: 8:20 minutes

5Which of these 3 aspects of Life-Changes is the most intense problem in your practice?

Estimated time to complete: 8 minutes

6How much do you agree with the following: I struggle with triggers from familiar stories of the past?

1 = Fully Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Fully Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7:40 minutes

7How much do you agree with the following: I struggle to maintain state / vibration throughout the day?

1 = Fully Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Fully Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7:20 minutes

8How much do you agree with the following: I’m interested in environmental items that make me aware of my state?

1 = Fully Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Fully Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7 minutes

9Do you have a Clear Vision of the Future?
AHow much would you benefit from defining a clear vision of the future?

1 = I would benefit a lot, 2 = I would benefit slightly, 3 = I would benefit at all, 4 = Don't Know

Estimated time to complete: 6:40 minutes

10Would you like Personalized Meditations?

Estimated time to complete: 6:20 minutes

11What aspects of meditation personalization interest you?

Select all that apply

Estimated time to complete: 6 minutes

12How much do you agree with the following: I’m interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of my voice?

1 = Fully Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Fully Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 5:40 minutes

13Are you interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of the following voices?

Select all that apply

Estimated time to complete: 5:20 minutes

14Are you interested in a service that generates custom meditations and suggestions with future visions that can help assist in reframing past events?

Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

15How often do you use morning or evening meditations to set intentions or check in with your progress each day?

1 = Always, 2 = Frequently, 3 = Occasionally, 4 = Rarely, 5 = Never

Estimated time to complete: 4:40 minutes

16How often do you practice creating your reality?

1 = Always, 2 = Frequently, 3 = Occasionally, 4 = Rarely, 5 = Never

Estimated time to complete: 4:20 minutes

17How relevant is it for you to have fun meditating?

1 = Very Relevant, 3 = Not sure, 5 = Not Relevant

Estimated time to complete: 3:40 minutes

19Do you prefer to meditate alone or in a group?

Estimated time to complete: 3:20 minutes

20In a group, do you prefer online or offline sessions?

Estimated time to complete: 3 minutes

21How much would you pay for an app that delivers all of or some of the previous features that we've explored in this survey? Given the fact that Calm app is $17 / month, Headspace app is $15 / month, waking up is $7 / month

Estimated time to complete: 2:40 minutes

22How much would you be willing to pay for this app that delivers some or all the features mentioned before, AND includes ACCOUNTABILITY COACHING and a COMMUNITY for prompting you to move through practicing of realizing your vision?

Estimated time to complete: 2:20 second

23How much would you be willing to pay for an app and a community that includes GROUP COACHING with CERTIFIED LIFE COACHES, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT MENTORS, and additional EXPERTS to help you understand how to apply the methods and concepts implied in these features?
50Times Per Day
0Times Per Day100Times Per Day
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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

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The most influential voice in your life is YOURS!

By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the ReHabit Challenge, the host and Producers. I can withdraw consent at any time.Your Privacy Rights.

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