Have you taken this survey before?
[ 1.A ] ➔ How many minutes do you meditate per session on average?
Select a minutes 5-10 min 10-15 min 15-20 min 20-30 min 30-40 min 40-50 min 50-60 min 60+ min
[ 1.B ] ➔ How often do you meditate per week?
Select Option... 0 1-2 3-5 5-10 10+
[ 2 ] ➔ Would you like to Meditate more often?
[ 2.A ] ➔ What is stopping you from Meditating more?
Choose a reason... Lack of time Difficulty focusing Lack of motivation Stress or anxiety Not knowing how to meditate Not having a quiet space Unsure of the benefits Physical discomfort Forgetfulness Feeling too busy Difficulty establishing a routine None of the above
[ 3 ] ➔ Do you use Affirmations?
[ 3.A ] ➔ What do you like about affirmations?
[ 3.B ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: Affirmations work or me.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 4 ] ➔ Which of these three aspects of a LIFE-CHANGING practice are the most intense problem for you?
[ 4.A ] ➔ Is there another aspect of a LIFE-CHANGING practice that poses the most intense challenge for you?
[ 5 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I struggle with triggers from familiar stories of the past.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 6 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I struggle to maintain a high vibration state of mind throughout the day.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 7 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I struggle to define a clear vision of my future, or a line with that vision consistently.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 8 ] ➔ Are you interested in items in your environment: home, office, car, etc. that help you stay in a high vibrational state of mind throughout the day.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 9 ] ➔ Do you have a Clear Vision of the Future?
[ 10 ] ➔ Would you like Personalized Meditations?
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 11 ] ➔ What aspects of Personalized Affirmations or Custom Mediations would you be most interested in? Select all that apply
[ 11.A ] ➔ What other aspects of meditation personalization interest you?
[ 12 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I’m interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of my voice.
[ 13 ] ➔ Are you interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of the following voices? Select all that apply
[ 13.A ] ➔ What other AI-generated voice versions would you prefer?
[ 14 ] ➔ Are you interested in a tool or service that will help you reframe limiting beliefs, reframe past events and traumas and eliminate Limiting beliefs?
[ 15 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I use morning or evening meditations to set my intentions or check in with the progress each day.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 16 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I am satisfied with how actively I am creating my reality each day.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 17 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I find it extremely important that my meditation practice has aspects of fun as part of the practice.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 18 ] ➔ What would help you enjoy meditation more?
[ 19 ] ➔ Do you prefer to meditate alone or in a group?
[ 20 ] ➔ In a group, do you prefer online or offline sessions?
[ 21 ] ➔ How much would you pay for an app that delivers personalized and customized affirmations and meditations?
[ 22 ] ➔ How much would you pay for a GROUP COACHING SERVICE That prompts you to check in to your daily practice.
[ 23 ] ➔ How much would you pay for a PRIVATE COACHING SERVICE that helps you define your vision of the future, reframe your stories of the past and stay in the state of mind and stay in a high vibe energy.?
[ 24 ] ➔ How much do you agree with the following: I struggle with one of the big three problems, (stories from the past, staying present in the current moment, aligning with a clear vision of the future).
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 25 ] ➔ How much do you agree with this statement: The intensity of my struggle with this problem is extremely intense.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 26 ] ➔ How much do you agree with this statement: I am extremely determined to solve this problem to ensure that my practice is as beneficial as possible.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree
[ 27 ] ➔ What is your Gender?
Select Gender... Male Female Not listed Prefer not to say
[ 28 ] ➔ How old are you?
Select Your Age... 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Prefer not to say
[ 29 ] ➔ What is the highest level of education you’ve achieved?
Select option… No formal education Primary education Secondary education / High school Vocational training Some college (no degree) Associate Degree Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Professional Degree (e.g. MD JD) Doctorate (Ph.D. Ed.D etc.) Prefer not to say
[ 30 ] ➔ What is your name?
[ 31 ] ➔ What is your email?
[ 32 ] ➔ Rehabit is a FREEMIUM service that will have a forever free account. As early access members you'll be required to purchase a Plus Plan for 30 Days free then a steep discount each month until the final price is set. After which you'll always receive a 50% discount for your early access feedback surveys required periodically.Do you agree ?
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