Mike Olaski

Better together.

Dr. Stacy Thomas

We were meant to do this together

Are you:

Feeling Trapped and Overwhelmed?

If you are frustrated with feeling stuck in a pattern that keeps you stressed and dissatisfied no matter how “successful” you appear to the outside world.If you are becoming disheartened because what you want most seems out of reach in spite of your best efforts
And you are without a sense of direction about how to turn it all around …
We have good news for you. You have found the right place.

Become A Member

Become A Member

We are building this Community for you!

We are actively listening to your needs and challenges to create a platform that serves you on your journey.


Monthly Membership for Tools & Resource Access is just $27 per month


Join a Cohort


The Community is a Coaching Only Platform, but it's based on our Sister Clinic in Toronto.


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Choose your plan

To Join Now

All Courses, Programs and Coaching plans come with standard lifetime community access to your materials, groups and free offerings. You can also join our Plus Membership to get Group Calls, Advanced Courses and more.

Accountability Member

Sometimes you just need a little nudging at the right moment

Coaching Member

Feel the power of building a tribe and being seen & heard


Academy Offerings


Self-Paced Learning

Discover a range of self-paced courses designed to cater to your individual learning pace, ensuring a wholesome understanding at every step with support access.


with Group Coaching

Engage in our programs offering group coaching, creating a collaborative learning environment to accelerate your growth with people like you.


with Accountability

Embark on challenges with a layer of accountability, pushing you towards your goals with a supportive community in a certain period of time.


with Personalization

Explore our journals, providing a personalized space to reflect, plan, and track your progress along your journey. All designed by Dr. Stacy and team.


Accompany Lessons

Immerse in meditation sessions accompanying lessons, designed by Dr. Stacy and team, nurturing a balanced mind to better absorb and retain knowledge.


Trained, Dedicated

Receive guidance from trained, dedicated coaches committed to helping you navigate through challenges and achieve your aspirations


Transformational Courses:

Immerse yourself in our transformational courses, carefully designed to empower personal growth and success.

Self-Paced Learning:

Explore a world of self-paced learning opportunities, providing the flexibility to acquire new skills at your own pace.

Expert-Led Workshops:

Join our expert-led workshops, offering deep insights and practical knowledge to enhance your capabilities.

Featured Course:

Get extra benefit & the best our services.

The GROWING FORWARD COURSE and JOURNAL were inspired by people just like you. People faced with a significant life challenge, who are stronger than they realize and have a tremendous capacity to adapt.


Featured Program:

Design Your Health

Become The Vision of Your Vibrant Self!
Learn how to end the cycle of self sabotage and become that ‘I don’t know how they do it’, vibrantly healthy person you deserve to be.
12 Week Program

Embark on a transformative 12-week journey, designed to foster personal and professional growth through structured guidance and community support.

Weekly Group Coaching

Benefit from weekly group coaching sessions, where collective insights and shared experiences propel you towards your goals.

Daily Community Prompts

Engage with daily prompts that spark reflection, action, and deeper connection within our thriving community.



Sign up for weekly workshops & live zoom calls with Dr. Stacy


Connect and discuss within the community's forums


Discover the library of videos and inspiring stories that will help you grow


Download free audio meditations by Dr. Stacy to guide you through your practice


Order your printed copy of the Growing Forward Journal by Dr. Stacy


Helpful ressources to assist you in growing forward


10 Day Course Curriculum:

Delve into a meticulously crafted 10-day curriculum that guides you through essential concepts and practical exercises. This curriculum is designed to ignite a transformation, equipping you with the insights and tools necessary to navigate life's challenges and grow forward.

Accompanying Journal:

The accompanying journal is your companion on this enlightening journey. It provides a structured space for reflection, self-assessment, and tracking your progress. As you move through the course curriculum, use the journal to deepen your understanding and make the most of the experiential learning opportunities.

Daily Prompts:

Engage with daily prompts designed to evoke reflection, spark discussions, and foster a deeper understanding of the course material. These prompts will challenge your thinking, encourage self-expression, and support your journey of personal and professional growth1.

Featured Journal:

Growing Forward Journal

Discover the Growing Forward Journal, is a companion in your journey towards self-awareness, resilience, and meaningful advancement


Featured Challenge:

Becoming Future Your Accelerator

Are You Ready To Let Go Of Your Past And Become Highly Activated by a Clear Vision of Your Ideal Future In Only 3 Days?

Day 1 - Awareness - Prompt The Future You with Future You Journalling

Access your Inner Wisdom with Dr. Stacy’s signature Flow to Grow Journaling Method. Get Clear on Your Vision of The Path to Vibrant Wellness.

Day 2 - Presence - Sit with the Future You with Meditation

Immerse Yourself in the Vision of a Radiantly Healthy Future with Dr. Stacy’s Guided Meditation. Encounter Your Future Self and Embrace Their Message to Amplify Your Dedication to Turning Your Vision into Reality

Day 3 - Activate - Prompt The Future You with Future You Journalling

Manifest Your Soul’s Vision of Radiant Wellness into Your Current Reality. Honor Your Vision & Commitment to Embodying the Future Vibrant You through Aligned Action.


Transformational Courses:

Immerse yourself in our transformational courses, carefully designed to empower personal growth and success.

Stress Relief Sessions:

Find solace and calm in our stress relief meditations, expertly crafted to ease the burdens of a busy life.

Guided Visualization:

Explore guided visualization meditations that transport you to places of serenity, inspiration, and self-discovery.

Featured Meditation:

Growing Forward Journal

Discover the Growing Forward Journal, is a companion in your journey towards self-awareness, resilience, and meaningful advancement


Featured Coaching:

Group Coaching

Are You Ready To Let Go Of Your Past And Become Highly Activated by a Clear Vision of Your Ideal Future In Only 3 Days?

Professional Coaching:

Elevate your personal and professional life with the guidance of our certified coaches, empowering you to unlock your full potential.

Health and Wellness Coaching:

Prioritize your health and well-being with dedicated coaching, equipping you with the tools to lead a balanced and thriving life.

Life Strategy Coaching:

Enlist our experienced life strategy coaches to navigate life's challenges, helping you create a well-defined path to success.

Free Discovery Call

Learn how the Design Your Health Master Class is right for you at this time in your Journey.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to this work and your process of change. We are deeply grateful to be on this journey with you as we witness your transformations.


Here for you...

Our Community Founded Managed by Mental Health Professionals

While the Design Your Life Community is not therapy, it’s built upon the methodology developed in our our local practice and facilitated by those trained at the institute and often therapists practicing at the clinic.

To discover if Coaching if is a better choice for your needs, please book a discovery call today.

Some Words of Praise

"This school is a great idea and Dr. Stacy is a great person: warm, intelligent, filled with mischievous sparkle. She has a knack for people, for being with people, for activating them, unblocking them, supporting them. For that, she has my support too." - Jeff Warren, Writer & Meditation Teacher
"I have been both personally and professionally inspired by Dr.Stacy's teachings and gifts.  She has the unique ability to tune into the energy of individual and collective pain, and speak directly to the heart and soul of change.  She knows how to lead people from the dark night of turmoil toward the guideposts of hope that are there for each of us on this mysterious and miraculous human journey." - Karen Day, MSW, RSW, C.Hyp
"Dr. Stacy is a  fellow light bearer and champion of the transformative power of pain, a process which ultimately invites each of us to drop the limiting patterns that restrict our growth and awaken to the essence of our being.  The Growing Forward Soul School is a place to support this unfolding and I am honoured to support all here who choose to evolve and 'grow forward', together" - Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Stacy's Growing Forward Soul School is an awesome opportunity. The power of telling our own stories - even to ourselves, can't be denied. Consciously writing out our own personal narratives, rather than deceiving ourselves with narratives we've adopted over time can be very healing. And, it's such a gift to do so with Dr. Stacy. I'm always taken aback by her humility, kindness and professionalism. Go Dr. Stacy! I'm excited to see evidence-based psychology made accessible and digestible." - Dr. Lauren Hazzouri, Psychologist & Founder of NOT THERAPY

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We offer you a selection of opportunities to get started

Customer Support

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Ticket Support

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Join Forum

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About US

Whatever happened to get you here might just be the push you needed to finally...

The mission of The Design Your Life is to help people fulfill their life’s purpose, which we believe, is to be their authentic selves. To do this, we help people understand early life patterns that no longer serve them so that they can consciously create new ones that do.

CEO & Founder


Yes, this is a starter event, that doesn’t require a membership at the Design Your Life Academy and Community. If however you purchase any additional services you they will include a membership access to our many courses, lessons, coaches, and tools such as our Habit Tracker and Journal.

No Psychotherapy is a Regulated Health Service that is conducted in the context of a therapeutic relationship, which means Psychotherapist and Client.

Purpose: Therapy is typically focused on addressing mental health issues and helping individuals to overcome psychological disorders, whereas coaching is more focused on personal or professional development, setting goals, and achieving outcomes.

Credentials: Therapists are required to hold specific credentials, such as a license or certification, to provide therapy services. Coaches, on the other hand, do not require specific credentials to practice.

While our coaches are licensed to provide psychotherapy, engaging them in a coaching capacity does not establish a therapist-client relationship. Nonetheless, we maintain the highest standards of care and approach to the subject matter in all our coaching services.

This is a free event. Non-coaching products such as courses come with a 30 day refund policy. Coaching products vary by the type of engagement. Please ask your coach for more information, email us at support@designyourlife.community or schedule a Discovery Call today.


Expert and Professional in Psychotherapy.

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Workshops & events

“Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I respond to it.”

Charles Swindoll

Sample our Library Features

Why is Change So Hard?

Why Is Change So Hard?  Change is an inevitable part of life, yet many of us find it incredibly challenging to embrace. Whether it’s adopting a new habit, breaking an old one, or transitioning to a different phase of life, change often meets with resistance. Understanding why change is hard can help us navigate these

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ReHabit: Another Beginning

ReHabit: Another Beginning Embracing Change and Personal Growth Life is a series of beginnings and endings. Each chapter closes, paving the way for a new one to start. This cyclical nature of life offers us endless opportunities to redefine ourselves, to embrace change, and to grow. “ReHabit: Another Beginning” is not just a title; it’s

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Why is Change So Hard?

Why Is Change So Hard?  Change is an inevitable part of life, yet many of us find it incredibly challenging to embrace. Whether it’s adopting a new habit, breaking an old one, or transitioning to a different phase of life, change often meets with resistance. Understanding why change is hard can help us navigate these

See More »



Start by introducing yourself.  Share as much or as little as you like.  Not sure how to start? Consider telling us what brought you to the GFSS and what you hope to experience here.


Share what resonated with you during the weekly inspiration video as is can bring new awareness to others and will help you integrate whatever you take away at a deeper level within yourself.


This is where we amplify the impact of the Flow to Grow practice by sharing the message that comes through.  Share a portion of what you actually wrote, a new insight, or what it felt like to do the practice.

Order Now

Order the hard copy Growing Forward Journal to guide you on your path through whatever life may bring.

Discover the path to break free from self-sabotage and transform into the vibrant, exceptionally healthy individual you aspire to be, leaving others in awe of your accomplishments.

Contact Info
Copyright © 2023 rehabit.us

enter your access cable now to apply to have Early Access.

Claim your FREE – Vision of the Future Generator and use AI to bring your Vision Board to Life

Early Access Code Form
RHB - Survey - Early Access Application

Estimated time to complete: 10:20 minutes

Have you taken this survey before?

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes

1Do you Meditate?

Estimated time to complete: 9:40 minutes

2Would you like to Meditate more often?

Estimated time to complete: 9:20 minutes

3Do you use Affirmations?
BHow much do you agree with the following:

Affirmations work or me.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 9 minutes

4Which of the following is more important when making life changing decisions?

Estimated time to complete: 8:40 minutes

5Which of these three aspects of a life-changing practice is the most intense problem for you?

Estimated time to complete: 8:20 minutes

6How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle with triggers from familiar stories
of the past.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 8 minutes

7How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to maintain a high vibration state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7:40 minutes

8How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to define a clear vision of my future, or a line with that vision consistently.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7:20 minutes

9Are you interested in environmental items in your environment, your home, your office, etc. that helps you stay in a high vibrational state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 7 minutes

10Do you have a Clear Vision of the Future?
AHow much would you benefit from defining a clear vision of the future?

1 = I would benefit a lot, 2 = I would benefit slightly, 3 = I would benefit at all, 4 = Don't Know

Estimated time to complete: 6:40 minutes

11Would you like Personalized Meditations?

Estimated time to complete: 6:20 minutes

12What aspects of meditation personalization interest you?

Select all that apply

Estimated time to complete: 6 minutes

13How much do you agree with the following:

I’m interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of my voice.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 5:40 minutes

14Are you interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of the following voices?

Select all that apply

Estimated time to complete: 5:20 minutes

15Are you interested in a tool or service that will help you reframe limiting beliefs, reframe past events and traumas and eliminate Limiting beliefs?

Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

16How much do you agree with the following:

I use morning or evening meditations to set my intentions or check in with the progress each day.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 4:40 minutes

17How much do you agree with the following:

I am satisfied with how actively I am creating my reality each day.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 4:20 minutes

18How much do you agree with the following:

I find it extremely important that my meditation practice has aspects of fun as part
of the practice.

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Estimated time to complete: 3:40 minutes

20Do you prefer to meditate alone
or in a group?

Estimated time to complete: 3:20 minutes

21In a group, do you prefer online
or offline sessions?

Estimated time to complete: 3 minutes

22How much would you pay for an app that delivers personalized and customized affirmations and meditations?

Estimated time to complete: 2:40 minutes

23How much would you pay for a COACHING SERVICE? That prompts you to check in to your daily practice.

Estimated time to complete: 2:20 second

24 How much would you pay for a COACHING SERVICE I'm backing up to the ACCOUNTABILITY?

Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes

25How well do you agree with this statement:

I struggle with one of the big three problems, (stories from the past, staying present in the current moment, aligning with a clear vision of the future).

1 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Rehabit is a FREEMIUM service that will have a forever free account. As early access members you'll be required to purchase a Plus Plan for 30 Days free then a steep discount each month until the final price is set. After which you'll always receive a 50% discount for your early access feedback surveys required periodically.

Do you agree ?

Submit the application now.
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Join our waitlist and get access to prompt master Al for a discounted early-bird prices

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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

10X Your Meditation Practice

Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

10X Your Meditation Practice

Get your Own Voice Affirmation Track

The most influential voice in your life is YOURS!

By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the ReHabit Challenge, the host and Producers. I can withdraw consent at any time.Your Privacy Rights.

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Join our waitlist and get access to prompt master Al for a discounted early-bird prices

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