Become The Vision of Your Vibrant Self

Learn how to end the cycle of self sabotage and become that ‘I don’t know how they do it’, vibrantly healthy person you deserve to be.

You know those people? The ones that look like they actually enjoy taking care of themselves? Who make it look so easy, no matter what’s going on? Who seem to have a ton of energy and emit positivity wherever they go? You can be one of those people.



Join Now To Secure Your Masterclass Discount.












Scheduled Cohort Sessions Starting Throughout 2023 - Register to Select Start Dates or Go at Your Own Pace

Supercharge Your Mind, Body & Spirit and Welcome In Your Vibrantly Well Self In this 12 Week Group Coaching Program

Its focus is to restore your connection to the vibrant healing energy that resides within you through education on the science of change, practical and simple tools that will finally allow you to align your actions with your intentions, all within a supportive and engaged community

Dr. Stacy, creator of the Design Your Health MasterClass and Group Coaching program, has been featured in:


You are the person everyone relies on to get things done but struggle to follow through with your best intentions of taking care of yourself

You can start healthy lifestyle changes easily but easily drop them in the face of others in need.

You have so much on your plate that adding self care to the day seems like too much of a burden

You struggle to find the energy to do the day , let alone consider putting in the effort to take care of yourself

You spend so little time considering your needs that you are not even sure what they are.

You worry that being comfortably numb is leading you down a road you actually don’t want to be on

You are known for outstanding performance at work but secretly feel ashamed that you have yet to achieve “success” when it comes to your health and wellness

You know exactly what you “should” be doing to be healthy and feel ashamed and frustrated that you can’t “just do it”.

You know what you want but you feel blocked from achieving it by something you just can’t put your finger on

You are frequently frustrated by self sabotaging behaviours that derail your plans for getting healthy and are starting to believe that real change is not possible for you

You have had great success transforming your body and lifestyle in the past but can’t seem to get yourself to do what you believe it takes to achieve the same results now.

If you answered YES to any of these, then it’s likely you’ve spent many hours and lots of $$ unsuccessfully trying to solve these problems

A Special Invitation from Dr. Stacy

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Mike Olaski


My Journey as a student to clinician, and in my human experience to discover the
method that just plainly works…

My Journey to discover the solution …

Passion / Purpose

have come to realize that my drive to become a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in the mind body connection was the creative solution I subconsciously created to heal the loss of a beloved childhood caregiver affected by chronic health challenges. The pain of this loss combined with my born passion for understanding the human experience is what has fuelled me to become a recognized expert on mind-body healing that has helped countless individuals thrive in the face of health challenges.

Finding Success Through Authentic…

…Aligned Action

Starting the Design Your Life Centre was part of my own journey to put joy and my love of learning at the centre of my work. This step in the direction of living my purpose with a commitment to show up more authentically than ever coincided with a major spiritual awakening that reconnected me with mindful practices that I had taught for years but had yet to consistently practice. I finally started to walk the talk  and was instantly catapulted into a new dimension of success, alongside other powerful change makers in the world.
Realizing the Power of Intention to..

Design My Life

My new way of living in alignment with my intentions opened up the opportunity to follow a calling to go to Mexico and immerse myself in learning various forms of healing from indigenous practitioners and experts in the source teachings and practices behind what we now call “mindfulness”. The integration of ancient technology with cutting edge brain science has helped me know the power of intention in my own life and has accelerated the transformation of my clients. It’s now time to bring my signature approach to as many as possible so more of us can live as we were always meant to be as our most vibrant versions of ourselves.


The Design Your Health MasterClass & Coaching Program

by Dr. Stacy Thomas Founder of the Design Your Life Clinic
Imagine a Coach and
Teammates all supporting
your Journey

Building an online community space for people to connect and support each other to design their lives that does not require people to be on social media has been a dream of mine since at least 2016. And I am proud to say I finally got it done.

–Connection is the key to becoming vibrantly well


Your Journey through the Design Your Health
MasterClass & Coaching Program

Learn the science of transformation and how to connect with the right energy that is aligned with sustainable change to make your vision your new reality.

1 – Imagine Your Desired Future
Meet Dr. Stacy as she guides you to imagine your desired future of being vibrantly well.
2 – The Power of Transformation
Learn the actual science of change so you can effectively harness the power of transformation.
3 – Making Initial Steps
Experience the energy needed for sustainable change and learn how to move out of chronic contemplation and start making the initial steps to design your health
4 – The Joy of Discovery
Allow yourself to become a kid again and wake up to remembering the joy of discovery
5. – Build Upon Success
You are clear on your vision. It is now time to start taking some concrete steps to make it happen. Learn the process that will help you build upon success, one step at a time
6 – Navigating The Ego
The ego can be both a trusted ally and our worst enemy. This is why learning how to navigate it is central to your ability to expand beyond its perceived limits in order to thrive
7 – Overcome Self-Sabotage
Dr. Stacy outlines a new way thinking about “self-sabotage” that will allow you to finally escape this pattern and stay aligned with your intentions so you can move forward courageously to design you health
8 – Getting Resourced
Dr. Stacy brings together the essential elements and steps that will allow you to design your health and provides additional resources to support you on your journey
9 –  Integration Process
During these weeks we will get into the groove of community support with brief daily check ins, live Q&A’s, and inspiring bonus content from the DYL Content Library to keep you going in really solidifying new habits.
10 – Success Plan
Daily Routine building from setting Intention by imagining the day unfolding in the energy of being vibrantly well (how do you feel, what choices do you make/boundaries do you set to nurture and protect this energy?)
11 – Mindset Refresh
This “cheat sheet” outlines how you might go about resetting if and when you fall off of your intention. These “slips” give you the opportunity to strengthen your intention and your ability to follow through with it consistently.
12 – Next Level Support
We set the stage for your next level and how to continue to be supported and resourced in your efforts and along your Journey.


Over 12 full weeks of Lessons, Prompts, Calls and Checkins, you'll be
guided through the process every step of the way.

Lessons on Mondays - 8 AM EST

Alerted by Email – Available in Community

Calls on Thursday - 4 PM EST

Alerted by Email – Available in Community & Zoom

Checkin on Saturdays - 12 PM EST

Alerted by Email – Available in Community


You can choose between joining our very next classes as they fill up, or starting on your own until a class time works with your schedule. If a class doesn’t fill up you will have the option of joining the very next class or you can go at your own pace with 3 months of Group Coaching

Design Your Health is about changing the way
you live, and that change begins with these
first twelve weeks.

1 Payment of $1,500 USD

*Get Up to $500 Back After Graduation

The enormous value of all included

The Design Your Life Experience

Vibrant Life Bundle

9 Training Modules – The Program(s)

$300 Value

9 Training & Coaching Calls – 18 Hours Total

$1,800 Value

12 Accountability Checkin Sessions – Weekly Accountability Calls

$240 Value

3 Monthly – Q&A Calls 3 Hours Total

$300 Value

10+ Hypnotherapy Sessions – The Meditations

$300 Value

15+ Life-Changing Exercises in 45 Page Workbook

$100 Value

1 Year Access – Exclusive / Private Community Experience

$1,200 Value

Curated Mentor Library (Q&A Calls, Partner MasterClasses)

$300 Value

Apps & Tools (Journal, Habit Tracker, Team Builder etc)

$360 Value

Premium Exclusive Discounts Events 10% Off

$120 Value

Discounted Soul Schools – 10% Off

$300 Value

Guided Academy Programs $1,000 for 12 Weeks 10% Off

$300 Value

Discounted Courses – Save 50% Off

$450 Value

$300 Value
$1,800 Value
$240 Value
$300 Value
$300 Value
$100 Value
$1,200 Value
$300 Value
$360 Value
$120 Value
$300 Value
$300 Value
$450 Value

Total Value =

Design Your Health is about changing the way
you live, and that change begins with these
first twelve weeks.

1 Payment of $1,500 USD

*Get Up to $500 Back After Graduation


What Dr. Stacy's Peers Say About Her Work

“I am honoured to support all here who choose to evolve and ‘grow forward’, together”

Dr. Stacy is a fellow light bearer and champion of the transformative power of pain, a process which ultimately invites each of us to drop the limiting patterns that restrict our growth and awaken to the essence of our being.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Best Selling Author: “A Radical Awakening”, “The Conscious Parent”

“What Dr. Stacy has built here is certainly a great idea”

Dr. Stacy is a great person: warm, intelligent, filled with mischievous sparkle. She has a knack for people, for being with people, for activating them, unblocking them, supporting them. For that, she has my support too.

Jeff Warren

Writer and meditation instructor. Author of “The Head Trip”

“I have been both personally and professionally inspired by Dr.Stacy’s teachings and gifts”

She has the unique ability to tune into the energy of individual and collective pain, and speak directly to the heart and soul of change. She knows how to lead people from the dark night of turmoil toward the guideposts of hope that are there for each of us on this mysterious and miraculous human journey.

Karen Day

Clinical Director and Founder of Daybreak Therapy and Training

Dr. Stacy Thomas is a captivating speaker with a clear and compelling message. I would welcome Stacy back to my stage anytime – it was an honour to have her support my audience and community.

Dr. Meghan Walker

ND (Inac) Founder, Clinician Business Labs

Dr. Stacy is an incredible speaker, facilitator and motivator. She is so gifted in helping people unlock their potential and move through what’s holding them back. It’s always such a joy collaborating with her and I believe she is one of the people on the planet to help anyone who wants to (re)design their life to include more of what matters most.

Lianne Kim

Dr. Stacy Thomas is our in-house psychology consultant, a guest mentor for the creative writers in our school. Every year, her presence clarifies, reassures, and inspires our writers so they can write what they want to read, even when (especially) their stories feel vulnerable and ask them to revisit traumatic events. Dr. Thomas has a way of uplifting and strengthening the spirit of a writer while helping them feel centered and strong. She understands that creative writing can be extraordinarily healing, and our writers benefit greatly from her words of wisdom and advice

Sarah Selecky

We'll ensure you succeed...

100% "Show Up" Money Back Guarantee

Because our Coaching Program, which is limited to 10 seats per class , with direct personal Coaching Experience, it’s not possible to offer a conventional “Refund”, however we have implemented a “Show Up” Money Back Guarantee to ensure your life-changing experience and to put your mind at ease about the value.

To receive up to $500 off your tuition fees back upon Graduation , you simply need to Show Up when prompted by the program, for yourself, and for your teammates –including the following:

  1. All 10 – 2 Hour Coaching Calls (unless previously noted with your Coach),
  2. Ever 15 Minute Daily Accountability Checkins in the Community
  3. Engaging in the 60 Minute Off-boarding exit call to help us lock in your progress and build a better experience for the classes that come after yours.



I trusted Dr. Stacy And felt that she would not have invited me into a space that was not safe. I wanted the group to be helpful in terms of meeting others, going through similar experiences. And then once I was there, I found that sense of community. But it addressed the anxiety a lot because there were others in the group experiencing their own anxiety. It was manifesting in different ways. I could see myself through them and there was like a fan. Supporting you like every time you made a step, there was a group behind you saying, yes, you did it But to have a group that gets it


The impact on my life has been HUGE. The practice of holding a vision clearly in my mind was profound. The idea of your vibrantly well self, your vision of the future became an “Avatar” for my life and I began to feel it was already with me, already real. The feeling that I developed, deeper over time, the tingles of knowingness and belief that is what set’s this experience apart for me. That and the community. I would highly recommend Dr. Stacy’s approach. Her coaches and team are second to none, so intuitive and full of firm prompts with empathy and compassion. The team we build together, with my teammates, made the whole experience come to life, so that I actively looked forward to sharing my progress on the next group call.


I thought it was great. I thought the weekly meetings were awesome. Loved when Dr. Stacy joined us, that was one of the richest ones we had. I hope the community’s gonna continue. because I think there’s benefit in keeping connected to people. And I would say the course, the way that Dr. Stacy laid out the videos and then the actual worksheets and some of the meditations that can help reinforce the learning was very helpful.


I couldn’t have dreamed of anything better, the program and community has truly been transformational.

– EM

The reminder notices were appealing. I found the content was really well structured and organized. It was very progressive. It made a lot of sense. It really worked to graduate to the next degree. And it was very sort of logical. The pacing was very good for me. I can’t believe the 12 weeks went by, it felt like three. The group was really interesting and dynamic. And I enjoyed the content a lot, so much so I need to go back. I could have almost done every lesson twice. The summaries I find very helpful. That’s the type of thing I appreciate as a professor, is a good, clear summary. I think that’s another thing I got out of this is that this is not an overnight transformation. That this is an evolution, so you’ve gotta be patient.


I thought I was going in for sleep and then it ended up being about something completely else. I enjoyed it when there was somebody whose personality type was a little bit different because I could see things in a different lens. I was surprised how many similarities (with other group members) there were, and (how many ) people who are trying to achieve and (who are) driven (were in the group). And being in a community –that is valuable when you can see diversity. It definitely helped me a lot.


I found that this program definitely helped us set some foundations ensuring that I put myself first. Because if I don’t fill my cup, I can’t be there for everyone else who needs me in life from my son, to my work, my friends, family, and my partner.
I did find the benefit in that community, seeing and hearing it was all women, so other women and everyone and realizing that there’s commonality in terms of our struggles. We all could relate to one another in different capacities. I related to the members who were career women, I related to those that were mothers


I loved the diversity. I loved it. There was a whole group of different women, different shades, different lifestyles. That was amazing to me. And it was just funny. Thre were so many times that we laughed at ourselves and Gabrielle has this way of engaging us without, Stiff and serious. We spent so much time enjoying ourselves that I think sometimes we forgot that we were being healed.
One of the reasons I liked this cohort more is because there were only women there, and I liked that because there’s some of the issues that we have that you just really feel awkward talking about around men.
In terms of the layout, it’s very user friendly. It’s very calming so the colors aren’t bright and loud, which can be really stressful for people with anxiety like me and everything is laid out in a really logical way. So you can see the times that someone has checked in last. You see all the lovely faces of the people that you know there


Design Your Health is about changing the way
you live, and that change begins with these
first twelve weeks.

1 Payment of $1,250 USD

*Get Up to $500 Back After Graduation

Does Insurance Cover the Fees for Design Your Health?

For Customers in Canada $CDN

An address in Canada is required.


A Design Your Life Academy Membership is required to access this program, which you receive access to during your MasterClass curriculum . As a Member, you get full access to it for as long as your membership remains active. As a Master Class Academy Student you get lifetime Membership and 1 Year access to the full Design Your Life Community.

No Psychotherapy is a Regulated Health Service that is conducted in the context of a therapeutic relationship, which means Psychotherapist and Client.

Purpose: Therapy is typically focused on addressing mental health issues and helping individuals to overcome psychological disorders, whereas coaching is more focused on personal or professional development, setting goals, and achieving outcomes.

Credentials: Therapists are required to hold specific credentials, such as a license or certification, to provide therapy services. Coaches, on the other hand, do not require specific credentials to practice.

While our coaches are licensed to provide psychotherapy, engaging them in a coaching capacity does not establish a therapist-client relationship. Nonetheless, we maintain the highest standards of care and approach to the subject matter in all our coaching services.

Because of the nature of our Coaching Program, which is limited to 8 seats per class, with direct personal Coaching Experience, it’s not possible to offer a conventional “Refund”, however we have implemented a “Show Up” Money Back Guarantee

To receive up to 50% of your tuition fees back upon Graduation, you simply need to Show Up when prompted by the program, for yourself, and for your teammates –including to each Coaching Call (unless previously noted with your Coach), Accountability Daily Checkins, and engaging in the Off-boarding exit call to help us lock in your progress and build a better experience for the classes that come after yours.

We’re committed to intimate, personal experiences that those ready to “do the work” bring to the Class. If you’re not there yet, that’s fine. Maybe next class. But trust us, if you’re here now, reading this, you’re already proven you’re an action taker seeking the change that is already on it’s way.

We are working to develop an instalment plan offering 3 monthly payments. If you feel you would be able to join if you had the financial flexibility please reach out to our team to let us know at
RHB - Survey - Early Access Application
Have you taken this survey before?
[ 1 ] ➔Do you Meditate?
[ 2 ]Would you like to Meditate more often?
[ 3 ]Do you use Affirmations?
[ 3.B ]How much do you agree with the following:

Affirmations work or me.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 4 ]Which of these three aspects of a LIFE-CHANGING practice are the most intense problem for you?
[ 5 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle with triggers from familiar stories
of the past.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 6 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to maintain a high vibration state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 7 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to define a clear vision of my future, or align with that vision consistently.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 8 ]Are you interested in items in your environment: home, office, car, etc. that help you stay in a high vibrational state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 9 ]Do you have a Clear Vision of the Future?
[ 10 ]Would you like Personalized Meditations?

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 11 ]What aspects of Personalized Affirmations or Custom Mediations would you be most interested in?

Select all that apply

[ 12 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I’m interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of my voice.
[ 13 ]Are you interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of the following voices?

Select all that apply

[ 14 ]Are you interested in a tool or service that will help you reframe limiting beliefs, reframe past events and traumas and eliminate Limiting beliefs?
[ 15 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I use morning or evening meditations to set my intentions or check in with the progress each day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 16 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I am satisfied with how actively I am creating my reality each day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 17 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I find it extremely important that my meditation practice has aspects of fun as part
of the practice.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 19 ]Do you prefer to meditate alone
or in a group?
[ 20 ]In a group, do you prefer online
or offline sessions?
[ 21 ]How much would you pay for an app that delivers personalized and customized affirmations and meditations?
[ 22 ]How much would you pay for a GROUP COACHING SERVICE That prompts you to check in to your daily practice.
[ 23 ]How much would you pay for a PRIVATE COACHING SERVICE that helps you define your vision of the future, reframe your stories of the past and stay in the state of mind and stay in a high vibe energy.?
[ 24 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle with one of the big three problems, (stories from the past, staying present in the current moment, aligning with a clear vision of the future).

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 25 ]How much do you agree with this statement:

The intensity of my struggle with this problem is extremely intense.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 26 ]How much do you agree with this statement:

I am extremely determined to solve this problem to ensure that my practice is as beneficial as possible.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 32 ]Rehabit is a FREEMIUM service that will have a forever free account. As early access members you'll be required to purchase a Plus Plan for 30 Days free then a steep discount each month until the final price is set. After which you'll always receive a 50% discount for your early access feedback surveys required periodically.

Do you agree ?

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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

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10X Your Meditation Practice

Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

10X Your Meditation Practice

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The most influential voice in your life is YOURS!

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