5 Day Challenge to Build 1 New Habit Practice

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This Challenge is a FREE 5 DAY EVENT


By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Mindful World Parenting Summit, the host and Health Talks Online. I can withdraw consent at any time. Your Privacy Rights.

When you register today, you’ll gain INSTANT access to the following free sessions:

Day 1

Why Changes Start with a Decision and How This Decision is Guaranteed to Keep You Going!

Day 2
Triggers &

How to take an Inventory of Your Life/Triggers and the Cues that drive your behaviours

Day 3
Desires &

The Science of Routines, How yours are letting you down, and how to build one that always works!

Day 4
Practice &

The Science of Routines, How yours are letting you down, and how to build one that always works!

Day 2
Wins &

The Secret Ways you’re rewarded for existing habits and how to build Powerful, Mindful Rewards

There is no better time than right now to Re-Build your Life from past bad habits, to current Covid realities… Now is the time to Re-Create a new You for the rest of your life and everyone you care about.

This global pandemic has paused life as we knew it. So many of us are living in fear. Many of us are grieving loved ones and our former way of life. And we are dealing with all of it while trying to navigate multiple roles and demands, cut off from our communities and supports that would otherwise be there for us.

LIFE was hard enough before, let alone having any kind of STYLE. For most of us LifeStyle was whatever got us through the day. And, in the face of a global pandemic, the challenges seem even greater.

Now more than ever we need to develop the tools and practice of thinking, feeling and doing. This is why we made sure we invited the world’s best experts in the areas of Life-Changing methods such as: mental health, neuroscience, holistic health, and mindfulness to share their most effective, science-based tools and strategies to help make the change your dreaming of.

Register for The LifeStyle Cleanse by Master Cleansing featuring the ReHabit Method, a comprehensive Life-Changing System.


from our Life-Changing Experts

  • Waking Up: How to Shift Your Reality so Change Takes Root Effortlessly and Realize You’re Ready for Change.
  • Slowing Down: How to Find a Slower Pace While Becoming More Productive and Train Your Mind for Calm.
  • Feeling Better: How to Get to Know Your Feelings so that you Can Consciously Move from One Emotion to Another.
  • Nourishing Bodies: How FAST and SLOW Methods Give Every-Body the Food and Nutrients they Need to Thrive
  • Having Fun: How to Put Fun First to Re-Discover your Inner-Childeshness to Make Each Day Full of Laughter.
  • Tuning In: Learn How to “Know Thyself” So that You can Trust Your Intuition and Stop Being Driven by Fear.
  • Moving Around: How to Make Movement a Regular and Full Range Activity so that Exercise never is a “Work-Out.
  • Nourishing Bodies: How FAST and SLOW Methods Give Every-Body the Food and Nutrients they Need to Thrive.


Dr. Shefali Tsabury

Conscious Parenting in the Age of Global Awakening

  • What it means to be a conscious parent in the context of the global pandemic
  • How meditation can help us find calm in the midst of chaos,
  • Conscious approach to addressing racism

Lisa Nichols

Parenting With Purpose During Uncertain Times
  • Provide your child certainty in uncertain times
  • Creating a safe space for children to share how they REALLY feel
  • How to turn confrontation into care-frontation

Marlee Liss

Restorative Justice – The Healing Alternative to the Criminal Justice System
  • Marlee’s story of Restorative Justice for sexual violence
  • How Restorative Justice allowed her to transform her experience instead of being revictimized
  • Healing by humanizin


Register for The ReHabit Challenge to get access to the following FREE Early Gifts!



3 ReMinders for the Habit Challenge

In this report, learn:

  • ReMinders for Day 1 – Another Beginning
  • Reminders for Day 2 – Triggers & Cues
  • Reminders for Day 3 – Desires & Cravings
  • Reminders for Day 4 – Practices & Routines
  • Reminders for Day 5 – Wins & Rewards

Also, get instant access to these FREE BONUS gifts from our hosts and VIPs!



The Growing Forward eJournal

Daily exercises to help you mindfully build resilience and grow through anything. Inside, you’ll find space to express your feelings authentically, as well as questions and suggested practices to support and increase your awareness, growth and healing.



The Book of Doing and Being

DISCOVER YOUR “C-Q” (Creativity Quotient) – Step by step, you will make the discovery of a lifetime: how to stop being created by your past and start consciously creating your present and future. You will learn that any time you are willing to be surprised — by your next creative impulse, the next idea that excites you, the next experience that moves you — you are living a creative life.



Bounce Back Big

The fastest way to get the wheels in motion and achieve all you desire in life is to STOP, REFLECT – and SET AN INTENTION.
You’ve most likely heard this before (possibly from me) and you may be thinking, how is THAT going to help me manifest money, get healthy, get that fantastic loving relationship (or whatever it is you are wanting to manifest in your life)?




A Gentle, Food-Based, Mind-Body-Spirit Cleanse, done in the privacy of your home and the vegan recipes to go with them. These are Jovanka’s best-selling e-books, sold for 50% off. Get both e-books and we’ll send you two extra bonuses, on us!



Becoming Trigger-Proof

This virtual workshop will supercharge your intimacy. Because no matter who you are or what you’ve been through in your life, these tools are necessary to live a life fully connected to others – because it fills in that missing gap of being fully connected to ourselves.
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Register Now

and join 5 Day ReHabit Challenge for FREE


By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the Mindful World Parenting Summit, the host and Health Talks Online. I can withdraw consent at any time. Your Privacy Rights.

Meet your Hosts

Mike Olaski

Publisher, Author
Mike Olaski is an Integrated Media Producer who has dedicated much of his life’s work to producing progressive and integrative health and wellness related content. He’s inspired by holistic systems and is committed to sharing the profoundly universal message of mindfulness. His passion for inclusive, transparent and holistic systems translates into the technical and strategic opportunities to put forward powerful, positive messages in movies, shows, and other content knowing the transformative impact potential they have on how we see ourselves, each other, our experience in this world and our daily lives.

Stephen Huszar

Stephen is a film actor, producer and entrepreneur. His passion for story, combined with his pursuits in mindfulness lead him to recently produce Milton’s Secret – the first-ever feature film based on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle (Author of The Power of Now). Collaborating with a star cast including: Donald Sutherland (Hunger Games) Michelle Rodriguez (The Fast & The Furious), Mia Kirshner (The L Word) and David Sutcliffe (Gilmore Girls) and directed by Barnet Bain (What Dreams May Come), the critically acclaimed film suggests a mindful approach to tackle major issues in society such as bullying, violence and stress.

Marlee Liss

Head Coach
Jovanka Ciares is a Registered Clinical Herbalist, Wellness expert; detox specialist, nutrition educator and author. She is the creator of The Jolt of Wellness™, an online wellness & learning community for healthy living, which was featured on the first season of ABC’s “My Diet Is Better Than Yours”. She works with individuals struggling with chronic conditions and offers group workshops and Corporate speaking on healthy living and herbal medicine in the US and internationally. She offers her services in both English and Spanish.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Produced by Master Cleansing Media © 2020 MasterCleansing.com. All rights reserved. The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
RHB - Survey - Early Access Application
Have you taken this survey before?
[ 1 ] ➔Do you Meditate?
[ 2 ]Would you like to Meditate more often?
[ 3 ]Do you use Affirmations?
[ 3.B ]How much do you agree with the following:

Affirmations work for me.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 4 ]Which of these three aspects of a LIFE-CHANGING practice are the most intense problem for you?
[ 5 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle with triggers from familiar stories
of the past.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 6 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to maintain a high vibration state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 7 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle to define a clear vision of my future, or align with that vision consistently.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 8 ]Are you interested in items in your environment: home, office, car, etc. that help you stay in a high vibrational state of mind throughout the day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 9 ]Do you have a Clear Vision of the Future?
[ 10 ]Would you like Personalized Meditations?

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 11 ]What aspects of Personalized Affirmations or Custom Mediations would you be most interested in?

Select all that apply

[ 12 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I’m interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of my voice.
[ 13 ]Are you interested in meditations or affirmations spoken in an AI-generated version of the following voices?

Select all that apply

[ 14 ]Are you interested in a tool or service that will help you reframe limiting beliefs, reframe past events and traumas and eliminate Limiting beliefs?
[ 15 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I use morning or evening meditations to set my intentions or check in with the progress each day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 16 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I am satisfied with how actively I am creating my reality each day.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 17 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I find it extremely important that my meditation practice has aspects of fun as part
of the practice.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 19 ]Do you prefer to meditate alone
or in a group?
[ 20 ]In a group, do you prefer online
or offline sessions?
[ 21 ]How much would you pay for an app that delivers personalized and customized affirmations and meditations?
[ 22 ]How much would you pay for a GROUP COACHING SERVICE That prompts you to check in to your daily practice.
[ 23 ]How much would you pay for a PRIVATE COACHING SERVICE that helps you define your vision of the future, reframe your stories of the past and stay in the state of mind and stay in a high vibe energy.?
[ 24 ]How much do you agree with the following:

I struggle with one of the big three problems, (stories from the past, staying present in the current moment, aligning with a clear vision of the future).

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 25 ]How much do you agree with this statement:

The intensity of my struggle with this problem is extremely intense.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 26 ]How much do you agree with this statement:

I am extremely determined to solve this problem to ensure that my practice is as beneficial as possible.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 3 = Neither, 5 = Strongly Agree

[ 32 ]Rehabit is a FREEMIUM service that will have a forever free account. As early access members you'll be required to purchase a Plus Plan for 30 Days free then a steep discount each month until the final price is set. After which you'll always receive a 50% discount for your early access feedback surveys required periodically.

Do you agree ?

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Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

10X Your Meditation Practice

Only 100 Free Custom Meditations

Join our waitlist and get access to Rehabit and our Custom Meditation Platform so you will Meditate More Often!

10X Your Meditation Practice

Get your Own Voice Affirmation Track

The most influential voice in your life is YOURS!

By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from the ReHabit Challenge, the host and Producers. I can withdraw consent at any time.Your Privacy Rights.

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